DVK has launched DADE, coinciding with the Golden Jubilee of Dharmaram, with the following objectives: to make theological, philosophical, and religious studies easily accessible to the general public; to disseminate knowledge to a greater number of seekers in a non-seminary context; to impart theological, philosophical and religious studies with a harmonious synthesis of the Indian, Eastern, and Western genius; to promote mature Christian leadership among the laity through intellectual and faith formation; and to help people of other faiths to know Christianity and its basic worldview. DADE offers PG Diploma courses in the following disciplines: (1) Philosophy, (2) Theology, (3) Biblical Studies, (4) Spiritual Theology, (5) Counselling Psychology, (6) Legal Studies (7) Thomas Christian Studies, (8) Study of Religions, (9) Eastern and Indian Christian Spirituality, and (10) Formative Spirituality.
Email: director@dade.in, dade@dvk.in | Tel: 080-41116400