
Extension Centres



Darsana Institute of Philosophy at Wardha is an extension centre of DVK.  Itimparts academic training leading to the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy (3 years) and a Diploma in Philosophy (2 years). It was started as the CMI Mission Philosophate in June 1983. The founding Fathers of Darsana wanted to see the traditional Indian system of Gurukula as the model for Darsana. The vision of Darsana is envisaged in its motto: PavitratayaDevadarsanam(Mt. 5:8) which means “Vision of God through Purity.” Darsana, the Gurukula, aims at devadarsanamfor all antevasins through the purity of heart. Right from the beginning it has been affirmed that Darsana has three basic orientations: Missionary, Indian, and Rural.  Hence, the whole programme of training in Darsana is an endeavour to give an integral development of academic, spiritual, and cultural aspects of the students. Address: Darsana Institute of Philosophy, SawangiMeghe, Wardha 442001, Maharashtra.

Rector: Dr. George Kulangara, CMI

Associate Dean: Dr. TomyChirapurath, CMI

Phone: 07152-287804, 87805




Samanvaya is an extension centre of Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, offering courses leading to the BTh degree. Samanvaya (literally meaning ‘Integration’) envisions a theological training programme focusing on the Church’s evangelizing mission in the northern parts of India.  The signs of the times challenge us to delineate a new vision and approach in the formation of today’s missionaries.  The theological training imparted should correspond to the complex reality of Indian life in all dimensions – social, economic, political, religious, cultural, etc. In the theologizing task greater identification with the people and participation in their movements for total liberation are required, so that the challenge of the divine call may be answered fully and integrally. The theological formation envisaged by Samanvaya is a process “from below” rather than “from above.” The courses and the lived experiences are arranged in the tribal-rural context of Jagadalpur and the religio-cultural context of Rishikesh, Bangalore, and Bhopal. Address: Samanvaya Theology College, Patel Nagar, Bhopal 462021, M.P.

Rector: Dr. Davis Varayilan,CMI

Associate Dean: Dr. Cyril Kuttiyanikkal, CMI

Phone: 0755-2752961; Mob: 07697107872




Chavara International Centre for Indian and Interreligious Studies (CICIIS) in Sacramento, California, USA is the first extension Centre of CSWR, DVK outside India for promoting interreligious studies, dialogue, and harmony among religions and cultures. Inaugurated in October 2005, the Centre is making significant contributions in the study of different religions and cultures and in the mutual understanding and harmony among followers of various religious sects and faiths through talks, discussions, seminars, prayers, and meditations. The bishop of Sacramento and the Prior General of CMI Congregation and Vice-Chancellor of the DVK are the patrons of the Centre. Situatedin the vicinity of the California State University Campus, the Centre works in close collaboration with the Sacramento diocesan Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs.

Director: Fr. Davis Kavungal , CMI




Chavara Institute of Indian and Inter-religious Studies (CIIS) was established in 1977 in Rome as a creative response of the CMI Congregation to the call of Vatican Council II for entering into interreligious dialogue and study of religions of the world. The Institute tries to foster studies and research in the fields of Interreligious Dialogue and Eastern Christianity and to help people to recognize and appreciate the religious, cultural and spiritual values of the ancient religions of India aiming at a mutually enriching and meaningful encounter between the East and the West and a peaceful co-existence of religions promoting universal brotherhood. The Institute has made great strides over the past years through various courses, lecture series, interreligious prayer meetings, seminars, publications and library service in the field of interreligious studies. Taking into consideration its contributions and in view of further enhancing its academic standards Chavara Institute has been recognized as the second Extension Centre outside India of Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK) in 2010. The strategic position of the Institute in Rome, very close to Vatican, helps the students of different universities in the city of Rome to take advantage of the various activities of the institute. The Institute also receives staff support from various universities in Rome and DVK.    


Director: Dr. Cherian Thunduparambil, CMI


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