Department of Faculty of Philosophy

Faculty Details

Dr. Neelankavil John , CMI


Name (Official)



Date and Place of Birth


Peramangalam, Thrissur


Dharmaram College, Bangalore 560029



Library and Information Science

Doctoral Dissertation

Space Management in the Selected University Libraries in South India: A Study

Present Status

Librarian, Dharmaram College, Bangalore






Library & Information Science

Bharathidasan University, Trichi 620 024, TN, India




Library & Information Science

Alagappa University, Karaikudi 630 003, TN, India




DVK, Bangalore 560 029, India




Library & Information Science

Madurai Kamaraj University, Palkalai Nagar 625 021, TN, India



Library & Information Science

Madurai Kamaraj University, Palkalai Nagar 625 021, TN, India




Malayalam, Language & Literature

University of Calicut, Thenhipalam 673635, Kerala, India




DVK, Bangalore 560 029





Selection of Personal Board of Dharmaram

For Special studies in Library Science for DVK, Bangalore 560029


Member & Convenor

The Planning Committee, DVK Central Library, Bangalore 560029


DVK Librarian

DVK, Bangalore 560029


DVK Librarian

DVK, Bangalore 560029


DVK Librarian

DVK, Bangalore 560029


DVK Librarian

DVK, Bangalore 560029


Teaching (Research Informatics)

Faculty of Philosophy, DVK, Bangalore



Chetana College (affiliated to University of Calicut) Chiyyaram, Thrissur 680 026


  1. John, N. V., & Sornam, S. A. (2018). Library Space: The Means to Bridge the Gap Between the Recorded Knowledge and the Living Knowledge. In R. R. Nair, K.J. John, & Sreekumar N. (Eds.), INFORMATION MANAGEMENT IN DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT (pp. 100 –113). Ess Ess Publications. ISBN: 978-81-934311-9-1
  2. John, N. V., & Sornam, S. A. (2016). Managing Physical Space for Knowledge Storage and Dissemination in Indian Universities. In K. Madhavan, R.K.Bhatt, & R. Raman Nair (Eds.), PERSPECTIVES ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (pp. 364 – 378). K.K. Publications. ISBN: 978-81-7844-240-2.
  3. John, N. V., Sornam, S. A., & Remesha, B. (2014). Concerns of Space Management in Indian University Libraries: Based on Drastic Changes of Content and New Trends. In B.Ramesha, Y. Singh, N.S.Shokeen, O.N.Chaubey, P. Rai, P. Choudhary, Ms.Hemavathi, & R. Kr.Tiwari (Eds.), 59th ILA International Conference on Managing Libraries in the Changing Information World: From Surviving to Thriving (pp. 119 – 125). Indian Library Association.  ISBN: 81-85216-48-7.
  4. Remesha, B., Sornam, S. A., & Neelankavil, J. (Eds.). (2014). Library Space and Content Management for a Networked Society (1st ed.). Dharmaram Publications. ISBN: 978-81-89958-93.
  5. Neelankavil, J., Sornam, S. A., & Remesha, B. (2014). Transforming Library space: An Environment for Enlightenment. In B. Remesha, S. A. Sornam, & J. Neelankavil (Eds.), Library Space and Content Management for a Networked Society (1st ed., pp. 33 – 39). Dharmaram publications. ISBN: 978-81-89958-93-0.
  6. John, N. V. (2014). Prospectus for Space Management in University Libraries with Special Reference to Physically Disadvantaged Learners. In S. A. Sornam, V.Getha, B. S. S. Rani, A.Manoharan, J. Franklin, & J. E. Romella (Eds.), Information Services for the Disadvantaged: Opportunities and Challenges (pp. 124 – 126). PG & Research Department of Library and Information Science. ISBN: 978-93-80767-32-1.
  7. Neelankavil, J. (2007). Beyond Digitization: The Five Levels of Wisdom Seekers. In H. Chandra, K.Nithyanandam, & A.Hariharan (Eds.), Proceedings of the National Conference on Future Technologies for Empowering LIS Professionals: Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 296 – 301). Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science. ISBN: 81-903838-1-7
  8. Neelankavil, J. (2006). LIS Quality Improvement: A practical approach. In C.R.Karisiddappa & B.D.Kumbar (Eds.), BUILDING CURRICULUM WITH A DIFFERENCE: A VISION FOR LIS EDUCATION IN THE 21st CENTURY (pp. 351 – 357). Indian Association of Teachers of Library&Information Science.


  1. Neelankavil, J. (2019). Rethinking of the five Laws, in the Perspective of the Library Space in Networked Society. Informatics Studies. ISSN: 2320-530X.
  2. Neelankavil, J. (2005). Promote Wisdom in the Info-age. Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centers, XXV Conference Volume 2005(Special No: 45), 253 – 258. ISSN: 0972-3668.
  3. Neelankavil, J. (2003). Indian innovative ways are more than digitization: Bhodhivanam, the library’s forest environment. Library Philosophy and Practice, 5(2). AND Neelankavil&start=0&context=82587&sort=date_desc&facet=.


ഉച്ചിഷ്ടങ്ങളുടെകൂനകൾതീർക്കുമ്പോൾ” (Uchisthangalude Koonakal Theerkumbol) (an article in Malayalam on ‘the Theology of Waste’) published as the cover story in Sathyadeepam Weekly, Vol 72. No 35,1999.


  1. In CUSAT Kochi, 32nd All India Conference of IAŞLIC was held on 3-5 December 2019. Paper presented by John, N. V., with the title “Library-Based Research for a Knowledgeable Society with the Net-Generation: A Response to the NEP 2019 Draft”.
  2. In the Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur in the national seminar on “Success Stories in Library Management and Service” held on 16 March 2019. The keynote address was delivered by John Neelankavil.
  3. Atthe University of Calicut in the national conference Innovations and Transformations in Libraries (NCITL 2019) held on 22-23 February 2019. Paper presented by John, N. V., with the title “Existential Need of Physical Library: A Dynamic Space for Knowledge Production and Dissemination”.
  4. In The University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, in theICLIM 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Library and Information Management: Knowledge Enrichment Through Dissemination and Exchange of Information, held on 26-27 October 2017Paper presented by John, N. V., with the title “Research Ecology: Build Beyond the Green”. Included in P. Wanigasooriya, N. Suraweera, K. A. T. Chamara, & B.A.N.D.Dharamarathne (Eds.), (Abstracts p. 31). Department of Library and Information Science.
  5. In the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmadabad, in the ETBL - 2015 GLOBAL CONFERENCE on EMERGING TRENDS in BUSINESS LIBRARIANSHIP held on 2 - 4 December 2015. Paper presented by Neelankavil, J. with the title “Transcendental Aspects of University Library: Space, Knowledge, and Librarian”.
  6. In DVK Bangalore in the IC LISCOM 2014 –International Conference on Library Space and Content Management for a Networked Society held on 18-20 October 2014.Paper presented by Neelankavil, J., with the title“Transforming Library space: An Environment for Enlightenment”. Included in B. Remesha, S. A. Sornam, & J. Neelankavil (Eds.), (1st ed., pp. 33 – 39). Dharmaram publications.
  7. In IIT Roorkee in the International Conference on Managing Libraries in the Changing Information World: From Surviving to Thriving, in collaboration with Indian Library Association, held on 21 to 23 February 2014. . Paper presented by John, N. V. with the title “Concerns of Space Management in Indian University Libraries: Based on Drastic Changes of Content and New Trends”. Included in B.Ramesha, Y. Singh, N.S.Shokeen, O.N.Chaubey, P. Rai, P. Choudhary, Ms.Hemavathi, & R. Kr.Tiwari (Eds.), 59th ILA (pp. 119 – 125).
  8. In Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Trichi, in the National Conference on  Information Services for the Disadvantaged: Opportunities and Challenges held on 15 February 2014. Paper presented by John, N. V. with the title “Prospects for Space Management in University Libraries with Special Reference to Physically Disadvantaged Learners”. Included in S. A. Sornam, V.Getha, B. S. S. Rani, A.Manoharan, J. Franklin, & J. E. Romella (Eds.), (pp. 124 – 126). PG & Research Department of Library and Information Science.
  9. In Madurai Kamaraj University, in the National Seminar on Digital Libraries in Distance Education Myths and Realities, held on 27 - 28 August 2007. Paper presented by Neelankavil, J., with the title User Education: Applied user Education Programme for Special Libraries.
  10. In Panjabi University, Patiala, in The XXIII IATLIS National Conference on BUILDING CURRICULUM WITH A DIFFERENCE: A VISION FOR LIS EDUCATION IN THE 21st CENTURY, held on 23-25 November 2006. Paper presented by Neelankavil, J. with the title "LIS Quality Improvement: A practical approach". Included in C.R.Karisiddappa & B.D.Kumbar (Eds.), (pp. 351 – 357). Indian Association of Teachers of Library & Information Science. 
  11. In Bangalore University in the National Seminar on BEST PRACTICES IN LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES held on 9 - 12 August 2006, organized by Bangalore University Library and Indian Academic Library Association. Paper presented by John, N. V. with the title "DVK Central Library Self Charging System". Included in P.V.Konnur, A.Y.Asundi, & S. S. Ragavan (Eds.).
  12. In IIT Madras, Chennai, in the XXV All India Conference of IASLIC held on 26-29 December 2005. Paper presented by Neelankavil, J. with the title "Promote Wisdom in the Info-age". Included in the Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centers (Special No: 45), 253 – 258.
  13. Recently (between April and August 2020) I had been resource person for six webinars and presented papers on the topics on Library, Reference and Research.

  1. Organized a three-day International Conference on (the topic related to the research namely) 'Library Space and Content Management for a Networked Society; IC.LISCOM-2014, at DVK Central Library, Bangalore 18-20 October 2014.
  2. Workshop on WINISIS, 20-23 September 2006.
  3. Practical Training in Library Science and Personality Development Programme, 16-25 May 2005, DVK Library, Bangalore.
  4. One Day Colloquium cum Round Table Discussion on “Building Digital Libraries Based on D-Space” DVK Library, Bangalore, 8 October 2005.
  5. Library Software and Solution Development Workshop at DVK Central Library, 5-9 December 2005.
  6. National Seminar on “Challenges of Managing Academic Libraries in an IT Era,” 6-7 February 2004, DVK Central Library, Bangalore.
  7. Organized 10 Months Residential Library Training/Apprentice Programme for three batches (10 each) from 2005 – 2008
  8. In the National Seminar on Data Management and Knowledge Production in Contemporary Library Environment held on 17th December 2018 at Christ College (Autonomous) Irinjalakuda.
  9. In the International Conference on Knowledge Modeling and Knowledge Management (ICKM-2013), DRTC, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Bangalore, November 20-21, 2013
  10. In the International Conference on `Open Access Scholarly Communication Reincarnated: A Futuristic Approach`, Department of Library and Information Science, Bangalore University, August 19-20, 2013.​
  11. In the 12thNational Conference of `Developing Skills for Knowledge Resource Centre Management`, at PG and Research Department of Library and Information Science, Bishop Herber College, Tiruchirappalli, February 22-23, 2013.
  12. In the IASLIC XXV National Seminar, Ananda Rangapillai Library, Pondicherry University & Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers (IASLIC), Kolkata, December 10-13, 2012.
  13. In the Research Methodology Workshop at the Asian Centre for Cross-Cultural Studies (ACCS), Chennai, November 15-17, 2012.
  14. In the International Conference on `Trends in Knowledge and Information Dynamics`, DRTC, ISI, Bangalore, July 10-13, 2012.
  15. In the National Workshop on Building Ph.D. These Digital Libraries Using Nitya D’Arch, MG University Library, November 2-3, 2010.
  16. In the National Workshop on Preserving our Scientific Heritage, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, 21-22 January 2008.
  17. In the National Conference on Future Technologies for Empowering LIS Professionals: Challenges and Opportunities, SALIS 2007, Anna University, Madras, 9-11 August 2007.
  18. In the International Conference on “Semantic Web and Digital Libraries” DRTC, Bangalore, 21-23 February 2007.
  19. In the International Conference on “Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2006),” Christ College, Bangalore, 6-8 December 2006.
  20. In the Workshop on “Building Institutional Repositories Using D-Space,” UC College, Aluva, Kerala, 4th June 2006.
  21. In the Colloquium on “Library and Information Science,” Christ College, Bangalore, 18 January 2006.
  22. In the Indian Theological Library Association (ITLA) Triennial Conference at NBCLC Bangalore, October 2005.
  23. In the National Conference on “Information and Library Networking,” Informatics India, Bangalore, 5 May 2005.
  24. In the International Conference on “Information Management in a Knowledge Society (ICIM 2005),” Organized by ICIM at Hotel Grant Hayat, Mumbai, 21-24th February 2005.
  25. In the XXI IASLIC National Seminar at Jadavpur University Kolkata, 26 December 2004 to 6 January 2005.
  26. In the Workshop on “Semantic Web,” DRTC Bangalore, 8-10 December 2003.
  27. In the National Conference on “Recent Trends in Library and Information Science” held at Bishop Heber College, Trichinapilly 27-28 January 2002.
  28. In the 4thInternational Conference of Asian Digital Libraries, Bangalore, 10-12, December 2001.
  29. In the XXIII IASLICNational Conference on Content Management in India in the Digital Environment” at Thiruvananthapuram, 4-7 December 2001.
  30. In the Symposium on “Education” at Madurai Kamaraj University on 30 November 2001.
  31. In the National Conference on “Recent Trends in Library and Information Science” held at Bishop Heber College, Trichinapilly, 25-27 January 2001.



10 Hours

20 Hours        Research Informatics     From 2003 to 2018

20 Hours

30 Hours        Elective on Environment Science  From 2012 to 2018



20 Hours

10 Hours       

10 Hours          Research Informatics     From 2003 to 2018

5   Hours

10 Hours          Research Informatics     From 2003 to 2018

  1. Rendering Consultancy Service for Library Designing for 35 Libraries in India.


Morning Star Regional Seminary and College, Calcutta;
Rajagiri College, Cochin;
Sahrudhaya College of Engineering, Kodakara, Thrissur;
CMS College, Kottayam;
Maharaja's College, Cochin;
St. Thomas College, Thrissur.


Library Advisory Board, Central University, Kerala


Life Member

Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASKIC)

From 2003

Life Member

Indian Library Association (ILA)

From 2014


Indian Theological Library Association (ITLA)

From 2008

Life Member

Indian Library, Information Science and Knowledge Management Association (ILIKSMA)

From 2003


Indian Library, Information Science and Knowledge Management Association (ILIKSMA)



Joint Library Committee, Bangalore (JLC)

From 2004


Joint Library Committee, Bangalore



Karnataka Library Association (KALA)

From 2012


Academic Library Association (ALA)

From 2014


Church History Association of India (CHAI)

From 2003


Church History Association of India (CHAI)



Trustee Council of Amala Medical College and Amala Institute of Medical Science, Thrissur



Trustee Council of St. George Educational Society, Mumbai



Trustee Council of Christ Academy, Bangalore


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